The Seward Winter Frolic is the annual art crawl on Franklin Ave. Denise Rouleau, Polonia Odahara Novack, Eve Marie, Mary Malsam and Dawn Malcolm co-hosted from Ivy Studio of the Arts, sharing their work and products from Suite 205.
I have hunkered down in my home and studio these past weeks as all of my plans beyond March 12th have been cancelled or postponed. No soda firings, no classes on natural dyes for fiber or altering hand thrown pots, and no hoop dancing on Thursday nights. With this unexpected reservoir of time, however, I’ve been sinking deep into making. Sculpting, throwing, drawing, knitting, spinning, and writing without normal starts and stops will benefit my future work, calm the meerkats in my mind, and get an octopus up on my kitchen wall (stay tuned for pics). My ladies, Hannah and Echo, and Princess Knut are loving 24/7 “Hi, I’m home!” Their shenanigans provide unexpected entertainment, and inspiration for a project I’m excited to get underway—my upcoming comic blog, Dog Park. All is well in Coddiwomple Studio.
This pandemic is a test for all of us, and my hope is that we will reaffirm lost values of compassion and community. As we feel our way in the dark toward a new future, I hope we remember to use one metaphorical hand for navigation and one metaphorical* hand to help someone who needs a boost. We are all in this together.
“No one should be touching surfaces willy-nilly, or touching anyone without WHO-approved precautions. This is an extremely contagious virus and must not be underestimated. Please stay in your bubble if possible, and help with your words”.
The Seward Winter Frolic is the annual art crawl on Franklin Ave. Denise Rouleau, Polonia Odahara Novack, Eve Marie, Mary Malsam and Dawn Malcolm co-hosted from Ivy Studio of the Arts, sharing their work and products from Suite 205.